Attendance Allowance for people of state pension age with physical and/or mental health difficulties who need help or have difficulties with certain activities detailed on the form, such as washing, dressing, etc. You do not have to have someone helping or caring for you to claim. See our hints to claiming sheet.

If you were born after 8 April 1948

If you were born on or before 8 April 1948, and already have an award, you’ll continue to get Disability Living Allowance as long as you’re eligible for it. If you are applying for the first time and have reached state pension age.

For more information on Attendance Allowance and to find out if you’re eligible to claim it, visit GOV.UK – Attendance Allowance.

Attendance Allowance Helpline
Telephone: 0800 731 0122
Textphone: 0800 731 0317
British Sign Language(BSL) users: Video relay service
Relay UK (if you cannot hear or speak on the phone): 18001 then 0800 731 0122